Revance Aesthetics

Thermal Shipping Strategy and Design to Validate Supply Chain and Save Significant Freight Cost
Revance Aesthetics (Revance) has brought a neuromodulator product with an innovative and proprietary peptide formulation onto the market: DaxibotulinumtoxinA for injection (DAXI).
The BLA for DAXI was accepted with last mile shipments qualified using a custom thermal shipping solution that was neither cost effective nor environmentally friendly.
- Redesigning the custom thermal shipping solution for last-mile shipments of DAXI to create a more cost-effective and eco-conscious process
- Designing and executing a transport simulation study according to applicable regulatory guidance and best-demonstrated practices suitable for submission in the Post Approval Supplement (PAS)
- Leveraging the results of the transport simulation study to demonstrate that last mile shipments of DAXI can be completed at uncontrolled ambient conditions.
See how Modality Solutions delivered on the aggressive timeline, redesigning the custom shipper solution and having it fully qualified and ready for first patient shipments, resulting in a final reduction of 52.5% in shipper and freight cost.
Download the full case study